Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Sparrows (Live) - Cory Asbury | To Love A Fool with lyrics

 This is one of my fave Christian/worship songs lately as it boldly sings

or speaks of what's in my heart. We, as Christians or Belivers should always pray and

ask God to lead us to get to know Him more so our doubts will stop.

That the God of universe..on this earth..love us so much and that He will never leave us nor forsake us

no matter what comes our way. 

Yes..we may have our current struggles in life, financial challenges, health issues

but these are only temporary. at the cross, Jesus has won the battle for us.

We shall only continue to live life thanking and praising Him for it.

Enjoy this beautiful worship song from Cory Ashbury Beloveds.

May you find rest in believing that Jesus is our amazing shepherd and that

He shall not want us to worry.


The official To Love a Fool— A Rooftop Experience from Grammy-nominated and Dove Award-winning 

artist Cory Asbury is available everywhere now. 

 This live version of his latest album To Love A Fool was filmed on a rooftop in Kalamazoo, Michigan. 

The album camps around a constant theme in Asbury's life, the love of God and His unwavering devotion 

to His children. Listen to “To Love a Fool— A Rooftop Experience” on all music platforms 

Verse 1 
The sparrow’s not worried ‘bout tomorrow 

Or the troubles to come 

The lily’s not thinking ‘bout the seasons 

The drought or the flood A tree that’s planted by the water 

Isn’t fazed by the fire 

So why should I be 


‘Cause You take good care of me 

You take good care of me 

You know what I need before I even ask a thing 

You hold me in Your hands 

With a kindness that never ends 

I’m carried in Your love no matter what the future brings 

You take good care of me 

 Verse 2 

The sun’s not worried ‘bout the winter 

‘Cause soon it will pass 

The light’s not thinking ‘bout the darkness 

Or the shadow it casts 

A heart that’s planted in forgiveness 

Doesn’t dwell in the past 

So why should I be 


I know there must be more 

But I can’t get past Your kindness 

I know there’s got to be more 

But I can’t get past Your goodness 

 Written by Cory Asbury, Ethan Hulse, Andrew Ripp, and Jared Anderson